Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End (2016)

Together with physics programmer I designed and implemented new physics animation technology that allowed us to use physics for many game mechanics including player climbing, vehicle driving, in-game cinematics and animated vehicle destructions. This technology allowed us to add an extra layer of fine detail over already polished animations.

I tried to push our animation technology forward so we can layer more animations with higher precision and better control than before. New tools and animation nodes gave more power to animators for the cost of the animation becoming slightly more technical. I was there to help our team to understand and implement the new techniques.

Thanks to my extensive knowledge of animation engine, navigation, AI, physics and scripting, I was able to give our design team tips on best practices when scripting NPCs. Also during final months of production I was helping out with debugging and fixing the animation related issues.

Project highlights
  • Design and implementation of a new physics animation tech with help of a physics programmer
  • Design and prototyping of new procedural animation techniques
  • Responsible for all animation of male buddy NPCs (Samuel, Sullivan, etc.)
  • Planned and directed motion capture shoots.
  • Technical support for animation and design teams
  • Prototyped and implemented many game mechanics:
    • Player sharing cover with buddy NPCs
    • Player slope sliding (final animations by James Martinchek)
    • Player item pickup system
    • System for player interacting with the vegetation
    • Enemy hit/death reactions including ragdoll setup
    • Vehicle destructions
    • Samuel in the back of the boat
  • Some player and enemy move sets
  • Traversal animations for enemy and ally NPCs (with Almudena Soria)
  • Wrote animation tools for Maya in Python
Position: Animator / Technical Animator
Naughty Dog, Inc.
Location: Santa Monica, CA
Website: www.naughtydog.com